Suppose you tallied all your social media posts by topic. Then suppose the topic with the greatest count revealed your greatest Love— the topic to which your mind gives greatest attention.
-The Economy
-Health issues
-Your family
-Your own business
-Your personal struggles
Now, suppose you CLAIM your greatest love is_________ (e.g. your family, God, etc). Does what you most frequently post/share support your claim? If not, why?
Might there be good reasons your ‘Social Media Tally’ doesn’t reflect your Greatest Love?
Of course.
Is it wrong that half your social media posts reflect your love for cats?
Yes. Clearly, dogs are superior. 😉
Would this be an exact and thoroughly scientific survey?
No, but it’s probably still insightful.
Is it possible, somewhere along life’s journey, you started talking more about your ‘little loves’ and less about your Great Loves? If so, how could you remedy that?
Or, might the outward change in conversation reflect a sneaky change that occurred in your heart? If so, only God can remedy that. Join Him as He works in you.
“the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Matthew 12:34
“You have forsaken the love you had at first.” Revelation 2:4